
Grosse Ile Airfield Video

Heres the long awaited (two days and change) video of our meetup! Check it out, and we'll see you at the next one.


Meetup IV success!

Meetup IV at the Grosse Ile Airfield was an absolute and stunning success, and we had a blast hanging out with some great photographers and models in a one of a kind location. Planes, snakes (and snakes ON planes), motorcycles, and oddly enough a hearse and casket were just some of the attractions this time. See everything we did and a slideshow after the jump.

Getting nearly unlimited access to a decommissioned military hangar is a great way to bring out some unique shots, and as always, this group did not disappoint. Everyone outdid themselves in their new work, and we're impressed with the variety of work getting put into the pool. We even had a celebrity appearance, Paul Mobley.

We tried a few new elements for this meetup, and everything came out great. We've gotten this down to an art and science, and we're ready to get right back to planning the next meetup in late August. Also, look for a video of the meetup, coming soon.


Meetup July 2009

We're looking forward to sunday with our hugely awesome meetup planned at the Grosse Ile Airfield. I'm immensely excited for some of things we have planned, this one is going to be beyond anything we've done yet. And don't worry, we're still looking at planning one more before the summer is over.

Apart from planning this meetup and getting ideas for the next one, It's been pretty busy with everything else going on. I'm in the process of packing up to move home, so I can pack up and move to Massachusetts at the end of August. I've had to put some of my personal work on hold to spend some time with my friends and family, so these meetups are really my only chance to work at all, apart from the occasional odd job that falls in my lap.

I'm also looking into producing a series of how-to videos for lighting, model interaction, and some cool DIY projects I've been working on. It was good getting the blog up and running, now we're going to kick it up a notch and make it even better.

Sneak peaks includes my latest project, a giant psuedo-softbox that I'll be using to shoot planes, cars and people this weekend, an editing how-to for photoshop, and our long awaited meetup video to make us look cool.