
AMP Lighting Workshop-Beginners

After the Strobist Ann Arbor Meetup, Jeff asked me run a lighting workshop so we could do smaller groups, more in-depth discussion, and really work on some techniques that are common in the Strobist world. We're still in the early planning stages, but with me being short on time due to a possible internship and graduation coming up, we have to move right along to squeeze in as much as we possibly can. Keep reading after the jump.

Right off the bat, we picked out some subjects to cover at the first AMP lighting workshop. Tabletop and product photography, on location lighting, small flash lighting, studio portraits, wedding photography, and big objects. We're also bringing in some of the advanced members that attended the meetups to teach their area of expertise.

An overall smaller group size broken into several classes that rotate will let us really answer everyone's questions and give everyone plenty of time to practice the techniques. It will also be shorter than the regular Strobist meetup, but we'll cover more material.

The best available date is looking like April 4th, a little short notice, but we'll make it work. Keep checking back for updates here and on the Ann Arbor page.

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Meetup Success!

Strobist Ann Arbor Meetup Redux went off with hardly a hitch at all, and the turnout was amazing. Over 40 people attended, and the pool is starting to flood with some awesome samples of the work that went on there. Keep reading after the jump

First of all, I want to thank everyone for coming, because obviously without all of you, it's just me in a warehouse. And of course a huge thanks to Jeff who donated the warehouse for us to use right when we were on the verge of scrapping the whole project. Without him, this never would have happened.

I've been poking through everyones flickr streams, and compared to the first meetup pictures, I'm very impressed. I saw huge improvements in a lot of people, whether they got new equipment or had been practicing, the results are great.

Everything went nearly as we had planned, though it fell apart a little towards the end as people had to leave. It was definitely a long meetup, and with as much cool stuff as there was to shoot, I'm just glad I had enough energy to drive home after. The guys in the back won the 'Last Strobist Standing' award, still shooting when I had to pack up and leave.

Keep checking back here, the main site, and the Ann Arbor page for details on the next workshop and meetups. As most of you have probably heard, I'll be moving to Massachusetts for a year at the end of the summer, but rest assured, I'll make sure everyone is well taken care of, and we'll see if we can't schedule a meetup to coincide with a weekend that I'll be home. A few of you have generously offered to help in the planning, and I'll be counting on you and others to make sure it goes great, whether I'm here or not.

I know it's not quite as cool as being posted on the main strobist page, but I'll be checking with people to use their pictures on the blog and for future promotional material. For now, you're stuck with just looking at my awesome models-Shira, Ryan, Darrin, Danielle and Dana.

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How to run a strobist meetup

Step 1: Get a bunch of photographers to sign up, promising gorgeous models, free food, and an awesome location
Step 2: Convince models ranging from beginners to pros to sign up. charge for food. lose location, find another.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit! But not really, I'm running this thing at a loss just so I can hang out with some really talented people and develop a few ideas I had wanted to do.

I've learned a lot while organizing these two meetups. While our first one was pretty successful, it was a little slap-hazardish, in a 'that's good enough for college students' kind of way. Which really wasn't bad, considering it was put together by a couple college seniors with no experience in event planning. We might have missed a few details, but we had such a great turnout of people that gave us all sorts of help and advice, we dove straight into planning this one without a second thought. More after the jump.

It took a while because of location issues (they can't get our transcript audits right, why should they know who's scheduled to use the gym?) but we did have a member jump in and save us with an offering to use his warehouse (thanks again, Jeff), and it just exploded from there. I'm not sure what the actual date was that we opened up for RSVP's, but it sure went by fast.

This meetup exemplifies everything the Strobist movement is about-interaction. Not gear, but getting together a group of like-minded people and turning them loose. The effort put forth by almost everyone to bring together everything necessary to make a meetup of this size work has been incredible, to say the least. We might not have gotten front page on the Strobist blog yet, but I think we're pretty close to getting a nod from Mr. Hobby himself.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again (and meeting all the new people) at what is definitely the biggest free photographic event in Michigan.

until then, keep shooting

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Strobist Meetup

It was suggested by one of our Strobist Ann Arbor members that I should start blogging about our group, the meetups we arrange, and other info relating to Strobist and my photography in general. I think that this time, I might actually have the site traffic to warrant the effort of typing this stuff up. More after the jump.

Our second meetup is this weekend (March 14th) and to say I'm excited is an understatement. It took a bit more effort to get this one off the ground than our first one, but the results look much more promising. Bigger, better, and with more models than you could shake a stick at, it's going to be incredible.

Some highlights of this meetup include a kickass warehouse to work in, full of industrial equipment, a couple cars, and a bunch of toys to play with. I'll be bringing a bunch of props for everyone to use, and doing workshops on lighting people, action, and big objects.

If you didn't make the sign-up for this meetup, fear not. We'll be having more in the future, and if I ever get an airplane hangar, space won't be restricted at all.

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