
Don Cortez-Histrionic Album Cover

My buddy Don Cortez just dropped his Album 'Histrionic' today all the way from Japan, and a while back he asked me to design his album cover. We didn't have a whole lot of material to work with, so we settled on a cool, clean portrait we did a couple years back that we felt had the right vibe for his music.

You can download his Itunes-ready album, complete with cover art and lyrics HERE to check out his great work that's been a long time coming.

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Shooting the H4D40

Thanks to a great dayjob, I get to spend a lot of quality time hands-on with Hasselblad cameras. I've been in love with the cameras since before photo school, and the flames were fanned when I assisted Hasselblad Master Gregor Halenda and met another, Chase Jarvis. They're both stunningly amazing photographers that have shaped my career as I study their work to become a better photographer.

Getting access to a wide range of their digital lineup means that I get to learn everything about Hasselblad without the pressure of a weekend rental, or trying to figure it out on the job. I warmed up by doing a series of still lifes and a portrait session with the H4D40, and found it to be an extraordinarily versatile camera, and then pushed it to the limits by doing an all day shoot with a sportswear company (pictures coming soon).

I primarily shoot on my Canon 1DmkIV, and while the quality is great, it hardly compares to over twice the megapixels and a physically larger image sensor. Pictures on the H4D seem to pop off the screen with little to no post processing.

Jefferson Whiskey 2

Shooting bottles has been one of my ongoing personal projects as I wade through the wide world of whiskeys, and I've been shooting most of them on H4D. The color rendering of liquor is extremely important to clients, and the H4D seems to capture the range necessary to accurately portray each shade. Newer lighting technique counts for a lot, but the colors and depth make the bottles sing.

Commercial Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey 1

This recent shot of the new Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Whiskey was shot on white plexi lying down, with two 8' silks on either side with grid spots on Profoto 7a2400 packs. I find myself reversing my earlier lighting from small on products and large on people to the complete opposite. Glass bottles take well to massive modifiers, even if only used as a bounce, and I've experimented with using smaller, harsher light on certain subjects.

Hasselblad has their proprietary software, Phocus, which is used to tether to your computer. The software is intuitive, easy to manage and a great asset to have when checking focus and composition. The screen on the camera is limited the same as any other brand, so I have Phocus running on my laptop or cinema display whenever possible. Occasionally when I need to drop the cord, I feel confident enough to rely on the screen if I know that my lighting is already dialed in.

I worked with the H4D for an entire 10 hour session recently, and the camera body itself is easy to hold and even comfortable. The back was warm from being tethered non-stop all day, but it never shut down on me, unlike some other digital backs I've used that will lock you out without any obvious reason. I turned down a demo of a back made by another company because I couldn't afford to waste time rebooting the entire system, from my laptop to the back, body and lens.

More pictures from the most recent session are coming soon, as well as a video highlight of the shoot where you'll see some of the lighting setups used on a commercial shoot, and I'll also demo some of the camera's features and how I used them on this job.

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Like Honey

It's been busy here in NYC and the blog is being neglected, like my personal work at the same time. But new and exciting client work is coming up, as well as my review of the Hasselblad H4D40 that I've been using lately.

This shot of the tantalizingly delicious Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey Whiskey was shot on the H4D using two Profoto 7A packs and 3 heads. A beauty dish on the ground was shooting through the 1/4" white plexi for the light table, and then two 8' silks on either side had gridded heads shooting through them. I've been using giant silks and foamcores to shoot bottles instead of softboxes like I used to. Having that large of a light source evens out the highlights on the bottle to the point that they just blend in much nicer.

The honey was added after I had the bottle looking exactly how I wanted it. The coolest part is how you can see the highlights from the silks, shadows from the label, and the amazing color and tone of the honey by itself. The H4D really shines here in its color rendering and the sheer depth of the image, it almost looks 3d in the large version. The only post processing was to add a little shadow to the edge of the pool of honey, something that could also be done by placing black cards all the way around it.

Coming up in the next two weeks are a few shoots and posts on other current work, a full review of the H4D40 as I've been shooting with it, and some other surprises.

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